Our impact-heating system offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining stability and desired climate conditions within facilities.
- Advanced features such as Variable Pressure Control (VPC) and Double Ventilation System (DSV) optimize energy efficiency and enhance reliability, reducing consumption costs and ensuring modular fan operation.
- The system incorporates an improved modulation system, leading to significant savings of up to 35%, and boosts efficiency in both the heat exchanger and the condensing unit, achieving impressive efficiency rates of up to 105%.
- Smart controls based on environmental sensors automatically adjust the system according to wind, snow, and pressure, ensuring adaptability and responsiveness.
- Duol's impact-heating system also features a silent mode, employing circular fans with mufflers for noise reduction, enhancing the overall user experience.
- Users can choose from a diverse range of heating options, including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, hot water or steam, electricity, heat pump, biomass, and combinations of energy sources, providing flexibility and customization tailored to specific heating needs.